STEP 1: WATCH THIS VIDEO so that you know what to expect on the call
The purpose of this call
Why you need this call
Where you SHOULD be
What you’ll get out of this call
STEP 2: Go through this form so that we can prepare for meeting with you
STEP 3: Assess Your ROI so that you can get an idea of what the book can do for you
The Entrepreneur
Tamara Nall put together her anthology Business Success Secrets with Leaders Press, which became a USA Today and WSJ best-seller. In her chat with Alinka she speaks about these accolades allowing her to become a guest speaker at podcasts, virtual summits, being thrown into the expert category, and “all these other revenue opportunities that come from being a best-selling author.
The Entrepreneur
As a lecturer, you get to place your book in University curriculums and sell it to students and academics as well as the general public.
DHL’s co-founder, Po Chung, author of Designed to Win as well as USA Today and WSJ best-selling author got the interest of 8 universities to share his service methodology once his Leaders Press book came out
The Speaker
As a speaker your ROI comes through the caliber of the speaking engagements you land thanks to your book and accolades.
Tomeka B. Holyfield shares that once you become a USA Today and WSJ best-selling author “your booking fees go up, sponsorships go up, contracts go up”, she tripled her speaking fees because she is a USA Today and WSJ keynote speaker now, which changed the trajectory of her life and as such she now charges up to 25,000 USD per speaking gig.
The Serial Author
As a serial author you see how your confidence and other book sales increase, once you publish a Leaders Press book.
Donna Kozik, who appeared in Leaders Press USA Today and WSJ best-selling anthology says that when you have these accolades “people really sit up and take notice”. She highlights the confidence boost you get from this accomplishment allowing you to “sit up a little straighter, stand up a little taller”, “it’s a visual representation of expertise and credibility that appears on the books you publish, webinars, podcasts, in your biography.